The Sequel’s Prequels (and more)

As anyone reading this is going to know, this fall/winter/coming spring is full of new releases. As you may have noticed, many of the “big name” releases are share a title with another game, and may or may not be followed by a number right after it. In other words, its sequel time. In respect of the upcoming sequels, I’m starting a new category of reviews, called Sequel’s Prequels, to review the games that have just recently had sequels come out, or will have those sequels in coming months. A quick list as follows:

1.) Halo 3

2.) Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

3.) Bioshock

4.) Mass Effect

5.) Battlefield: Bad Company

6.) Assassin’s Creed

7.) Crackdown/Left 4 Dead (already reviewed, but fit in the description.)

In other news, previous reviews have been labeled under the header “Retro Minute” (Crackdown, Super Mario/Duck Hunt) or at least should have been. (Prince of Persia, Mercenaries 2). In retrospect, no pun intended, that header is also the title of a segment on MSN news, so the header will be replaced by the phrase “From The Bargain Bin” Games coming up for this section include:

1.) Condemned: Criminal Origins

2.) Guitar Hero Aerosmith

3.) Call of Duty 2/3 combination review.

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